About Reyfer Jobs

Reyfer Jobs is a dynamic portal that facilitates a seamless employee referral process where every employee of an organization can be a HR and help in recruiting process and that to without revealing their identity . Our platform empowers employees of an organization to take an active role in talent acquisition by posting referral jobs within their organization and efficiently managing incoming applications. Through a meticulous screening process, job seeker applications receive a suitability score, offering valuable insights to job posters about the candidate's quality. Employees, in turn, contribute significantly to the organization's success by making informed referrals, with the added incentive of increasing their chances for referral bonuses upon successful candidate hires. For job seekers, our intelligent algorithm ensures targeted job applications, saving time and effort by aligning opportunities with their skills. This focused approach not only streamlines the application process but also increases the visibility of job seekers' resumes, optimizing their chances of reaching hiring managers. In essence, Reyfer Jobs creates a collaborative and rewarding platform, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between employees, organizations and job seekers, ultimately contributing to individual career success.

Recent Jobs

Quality Analyst


Pune, Maharashtra, India

Full Time · Onsite

4 Years

3 Days ago

Quality Analyst


Pune, Maharashtra, India

Full Time · Onsite

4 Years

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Quality Analyst


Pune, Maharashtra, India

Full Time · Onsite

4 Years

3 Days ago

Quality Analyst


Pune, Maharashtra, India

Full Time · Onsite

4 Years

3 Days ago

Quality Analyst


Pune, Maharashtra, India

Full Time · Onsite

4 Years

3 Days ago

Quality Analyst


Pune, Maharashtra, India

Full Time · Onsite

4 Years

3 Days ago


How It Works?

Reyfer Jobs operates as a secure and transparent platform, initiating with employee verification and posting of verified jobs. Job seekers benefit from insights into job suitability through our intelligent algorithm, while job posters receive suitability scores and comprehensive skill matching details. This transparency empowers job posters to make informed decisions on which applications to refer, fostering a collaborative and efficient referral process that elevates the quality of referrals for their organizations.

Main Features